Dallas Speakers Bureau – Life Balance Speaker, Bryan Dodge on Interpersonal Relationships Make A Big Difference in Life

Dallas Texas Speakers Bureau presenter, Bryan Dodge, discussing the Interpersonal Relationships Make A Big Difference in Life.

The vast majority of benefit that people find in life’s ups and downs is a true relationship that makes life meaningful. It is this type of understanding in life that allows people to be there for you when you need them the most. It is during these times that people end up forging powerful ties that last a lifetime. How do they accomplish such a powerful feat, they do it by following this good advice…

First good advice: when someone close to you offers you support, accept it with open arms and with true appreciation instead of pushing  it aside, or even worse, pushing away. These are not times for foolish pride. Foolish pride will only keep people at a distance. People want to help, so let them in, and always remember to say thank you, not only with your words, with your eyes and a true smile that comes from the heart. It is the smile that comes from the heart that stays in the soul all day.

Second good advice: True compassion and empathy are offered and then respond with an open heart. Remember: you’re not the only one in the world that has ups and downs. Don’t ever forget the truth in life. People need you as much as you need them. Learn to show up so they can.

Third good advice: Keeping your ups and downs quiet doesn’t allow  people to become educated enough so they can show up when needed. You have to tell your story in a way that helps those around you understand what you’re going through. Don’t be afraid to be honest, it will allow them to do the same. Just don’t show off, and don’t be a whiner as well. Educate people about the reality, and it will help them to do the same.

Fourth good advice: in life, we all start out as strangers before we become a friend. Just because you don’t know them doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. If you turn away the kindness, you offend the person wanting to give it to you. So, pay attention to what truly matters in life.

Fifth good advice: it’s easy to be nice to somebody that is nice. The real test in life is, can you be nice to somebody that isn’t so nice?

Sixth good advice: make sure that you foster lasting relationships with the professionals that you need in your life. They need you as much as you will need them.

How do you get those around you to show up for you when you aren’t there? The answer is easy, just show up for them when you are there.

I hope you have enjoyed some good advice this month. Thanks for all your support, and your prayers.

You may reach Bryan Dodge at: 1 877 882 5368.  Call to inquiry about having him speak at your next event or visit his page for booking information, click here.  Bryan Dodge is a Texas Business, Leadership, Negotiation, Time Management Speaker.

About Bryan Dodge

Bryan Dodge, a Dallas life balance speaker represented by the Dallas Texas Speakers Bureau, is a native of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Bryan Dodge began his career in agricultural sales after graduating from the University of Nebraska. His desire to excel led him to become an avid student of success habits and leadership principles. After an award-winning career in sales, this same avid study, now a lifelong passion, changed his life and eventually launched his speaking career.

Early on, he started a company that promoted sales seminars throughout the United States and Canada. His company grew to more than 60 employees. Relocating to Dallas, he expanded his business, filling stadiums in major cities with events featuring the most sought-after national motivational personalities, with whom Bryan shared the speaking platform.

After 12 years, he sold this successful business to focus on sharing his own knowledge and experiences with audiences directly. He is now one of America’s most sought-after speakers, making over 250 appearances in the U.S. and Canada last year.

His relationships with top CEOs and other nationally known trainers have given him a wealth of knowledge that he readily shares through his keynotes, workshops, products and radio program. Through the years, he has inspired audiences within thousands of major corporations, professional associations, and other organizations.

At all of his events, he stresses the importance of keeping professional life and personal life in balance. Bryan practices what he teaches when he says that he goes home to his most important job: being an involved and dedicated father and husband. He and his wife have three children. He has been very active in coaching soccer and football and working with kids in YMCA programs. Outside of his love for reading, Bryan’s hobbies are mostly outdoor activities such as hunting and skiing.